Outline and Synopsis Are Not the Same

I’m a planner; therefore, I plan. However, my plans are not rigid; they are adaptable.

I hit an example of this when I discovered the midpoint was wrong. Originally, the midpoint was when the main character realizes the dragon is not an animal, but he is as much a person as she is. Then, I discovered she has never thought of the dragon as anything other than a person. Instead, the midpoint is defined by the main character realizing that as she grows up, she can no longer hide in the shadows as she could when she was a child. She has to find a new way to stay unnoticed, which moves her from being reactive to being proactive.

Also, I’ve never had a well defined second pinch point. Then, I discovered this is when the main character comes into significant conflict with the mentor who had taught her how to live on the streets. He has found a way to fit into society and thinks she should join him. She has no intention of fitting into that dystopian society.

Those problems fixed, I turned to satisfying a request for a synopsis. I haven’t done one of those before. The first thing I learned is a synopsis is not an outline, so my plans do not meet that need. Instead, there is a special structure expected for a synopsis. After a little research, I was able to fulfill the request.

I feel I’m on a roll.

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